2019(e)ko apirilaren 30(a), asteartea

Radio programme

We've record a radio programme. I have chosen an artist called Billie Eilish, and analysing one of her songs, called "Bad Guy". Here's the radio programme I've record:

billie eilish bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
Billie Eilish

2019(e)ko apirilaren 27(a), larunbata

Arts and Sciencies (preparing an speech)

 This time we are doing a debate between arts and science. Which one is better? Is science more useful than the arts? If you want to know my opinion listen to this audio:

2019(e)ko apirilaren 6(a), larunbata


On April there will be a lecture about Brexit at the university of the Basque Country, Laws department. The teacher has told us we have to decide as a class some questions to ask after the lecture.(Those questions are in a Questionnaire that was done by Lide and Nerea in class).
Apart from that, each group has to do a Kahoot about Brexit. So this is our work, hope you like it!
