2018(e)ko urriaren 5(a), ostirala

Mass Media in our lifes

                                         massmedia bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak
Nowadays, the press, the radio and television play a big role in the life of our  society. This MassMedias inform, educate and entertain us. They also influence the way we look at the world and make us change our views.
Millions of people watch TV and read newspapers in their free time. In my family, for example, we usually use this medias:

1-Newspaper, Berria: Every day we receive the "Berria" at home because a few years ago my father collaborated in this newspaper.

2-Television, Cuatro: We usually watch this channel because we like the different series that they emit.

3-Radio, Cadena 100: My family doesn't usually listen to the radio, but I like to listen to Cadena 100 when I'm doing my homework.

 In my opinion, I can not imagine my life without media. It is a good option to use its advantages, although we must be careful since the internet affects in our lives and could cause us a lot of damage