This is a 2018 Spanish comedy-drama film directed by Javier Fesser. The director Javier Fesser also created "Mortadelo and Fcommunity ilemon: Mission Implausible" or "The Miracle of P. Tinto". Jesus Vidal, who makes the role of Marin in the film, has recently won a Goya award.
This is a story about a coach of the basketball team CB ESTUDIANTES, called Marco Montes, who is ordered to do service in the form of coaching Los Amigos, a team of people with disabilities. At first, the main character doesn´t likthe punishment, but as the time progressed, he realizes how much he can learn with them. In this film, with a simple plot, it is showed how people with disabilities confront everyday life, and how they support themselves with out looking how different they are between them. About the technical part, I liked so much how they filmed the facial expressions of the characters, using close-up scenes.
The Story Pattern:
- YOU: Marco Montes is the coach of a famous baskeetball team.
- NEED: He wants to be a good coach.
- GO: He is punished, he has to coach a team whith people with disabilities.
- SEARCH: He starts to adapt to this new basketball team.
- FIND: The team want to go to the final match but is very far, so they can go.
- TAKE:They blackmail a man to pay them the trip to the final match
- RETURN: They don win the final match, but they all are very happy.
- CHANGE::The coach is readmited in the first basketball film.